Summer Camper Perspective: Ana Sofia Meneses

Summer Camper Perspective: Ana Sofia Meneses

  • Origin: Bogotá, Colombia
  • Age: 12 years old
  • GGGA 2013 Winter Camper
  • GGGA 2014 Summer Camper


Tell me about your history as a golf player?

I started playing golf when I was 4 years old. I literally said my first words at a golf course. I was watching my father play, and I just blurted out “papa”, which is spanish for father. Immediately afterwards my father signed me up at a local golf club, which was very important to my father, since he was looking to develop my sense of discipline and determination.

Tell me a little about your father’s history as a golfer?

Well my father started playing golf a little later in life, probably when he was a lot older than me, but I’m not really sure when he started playing golf exactly. I remember he told me that a friend told him about golf, and that is how he got started playing golf. From there, he just kept playing.

Tell me a little about your experience here at GGGA?

This academy is seriously the best thing that could have happened to me in the terms of improving my golf game. I feel like it has helped me improve more than I ever thought I could improve. My swing has developed dramatically, and after I left winter camp, I have had a lot of improvement in my tournament scores. Plus it really helped me cement a proper foundation for my golf game.

What part have you seen the most improvement?

My tournament results.

What is your most memorable exercise here are GGGA?

A mental exercise where I look at my golf game, and I ultimately accept my flaws and continue to play without getting discouraged. The exercise I think is called “I can control, I can’t control, and I may control”.

What are some of your goals with a game you have been playing for over ? of your life?

Basically, I just want to keep improving. I haven’t started thinking about playing golf at a collegiate level, but I am confident that things will work as long as I just keep working hard. I would be happy if an opportunity is presented to me that would incorporate golf, but just to be safe I want to really focus on my academics. I mean, I am really dedicated to the golf, but my primary focus in on my academics.

What is your favorite school topic?


Why did you decide to embrace golf for personal development?

When I started playing golf, my father just wanted me to have something to focus on, and that would help me keep discipline. Though now that I am older, I look at other girls in my school, who have nothing to do on the weekends and are mainly bored, and I go out to the range and enjoy this beautiful sport, which keeps me very entertained.

What do you like most about playing golf?

I don’t know, I like everything…Well probably what I like the most is the fresh air. The course has so many trees and greens that I feel I have a chance to really breathe pure air.




