Feel like your losing power and that you just aren’t quite striking the ball the way you want?
I’ve got a great drill and tip for you.
I call it the squatty 3-wood drill.
I see a lot of players — juniors and professionals — who lose power in their swing. This drill addresses that.
The squatty 3-wood drill will help you feel better contact at impact and help improve power when you’re looking for longer drives and need a little more distance out of a club.
At GGGA we love this golf drill. It’s a fantastic drill that I use all the time with our students here at the Gary Gilchrist Golf Academy.
You’re going to start by taking a wide stance. This will give you the feeling at setup to feel pressure in your thighs and backside with your center of gravity and hands lower. This is going to keep your lower body a lot more stable and also you’re going to feel more resistance in your hips.
Once there is resistance in your hips, it’s going to give you the feeling of a wind up and in the video you can see that my knees really stay wide apart.
Now on the downswing, you’re going to feel the same thing. You’ll feel the club shallow to help build your impact position. At impact, you can see my knees are still wide with the weight into my left side, and then you will finish with more of a half to three quarter follow through.
When it comes to executing the swing during this drill, you’re going to make a short controlled swing back and through.
Straight away your going to feel better contact and power because the lower body is more stable and the body can work more in the proper sequence.
Now when you go to make a normal swing, you’re going to keep the same angles and feelings but with your normal stance.
All handicap players can practice using this drill. Once you feel yourself losing solid contact on the club, start doing this drill. You’re going to improve power and create a more solid strike on the ball in your golf swing.