How Student Athletes Stay Present

“Being where your feet are” is an idea that promotes a present-minded approach to challenges. This mental strategy helps focus efforts by highlighting what you can control versus what is outside your control in the moment you are in.  The idea is simple but powerful.

When students feel distracted, the GGGA mental team uses the following questions to focus student efforts and create a plan for action:

  1. Identify if you are thinking in the past, present, or future?
  2. If you are thinking in the past or future, what is one thing you can do now to take action on your challenge?
  3. Acknowledge you can only achieve what you are doing right NOW… so any small action helps.
  4. Be where your feet are! While your mind can reflect the past and project the future, your body can only operate in the present. Sync your mind and body.

When you remain in the present you eliminate distractions that prevent consistency. Staying present or, “where your feet are”, helps students focus and deliver on the course!

