Tournament Recap: IMG Falcon’s Fire

Gary Gilchrist Golf Academy students took the field at Falcon’s Fire Golf Club, Saturday, September 30 to Sunday, October 1st, to compete in the IMG Junior Golf Tour.

Congratulations to our Full-Time Training Program students for playing like champions! In Full-Time training, Champion wins are recognized as part of the Red Hat tradition. Congratulations to Pyae Phyo “Kenneth” Thu and Thin-Wai Khaing for taking first place in their divisions!

Pyae Phyo “Kenneth” Thu took first place in the Boys 15-18 division.

Thin-Wai Khaing took first place in the Girls 15-18 division.


Gabriel Restrepo, Pyae Phyo “Kenneth” Thu, Thin Wai Khaing and Maika Llarena Cervantes

In addition to these two championship wins, GGGA had many top finishers including Gabriel Restrepo who came in second place in the Boys 15-18 division, and in the Girls 15-18 division Francisca Ibáñez Holmgren came in second place and Maika Llarena Cervantes came in third!

Coach Ronnie McCann with Post-Graduate Student Francisca Ibáñez Holmgren

Check out this video highlight from the tournament!

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Check out photos from the tournament on the IMG Flickr Photo page.

Contact us today to learn more about the GGGA Full-Time Training Program for junior golfers – where championship golf and world-renowned academics come together.

Final Scores

Boys 15-1833 in field     
WINNERPyae Phyo Thu16974 143
 Gabriel Restrepo27173 144
Girls 15-1811 in field     
WINNERThin-Wai Khaing17168 139
 Francisca Ibáñez Holmgren27783 160
 Maika Llarena Cervantes37784